Age in Reverse!!!!

Introducing PRF Gel All-Natural Facial Rejuvenation

“Frankly, Dr. Dyson’s results are the best!” says Lindsey Rice, a Representative for Cosmofrance, the distributor of PRF Gel.

Who should get PRF Gel?

Patients desiring “natural” treatments who are hesitant to have fillers and other more invasive procedures or who are afraid of looking “too done” like some Hollywood celebrities. PRF Gel is 100% safe. An allergic reaction is not possible since it comes from your body. There are no additives in the tube.

PRP, PRFM, PRFM Gel – What are they?

You’ve probably heard of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). What is the difference between PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), PRFM (Platelet Rich Fibrin), and PRFM Gel? They are all created from your body’s blood. PRP, PRF, and PRFM (Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix) Gel are all-natural products that contain growth factors that heal and generate new skin. When injected into specific skin areas, they promote collagen to naturally smooth and tighten skin, softening wrinkles while improving skin texture and tone. The Platelet-Rich Fibrin Gel technique uses the latest generation of Smart Blood Concentrates to generate a complex Fibrin Matrix rich in Platelets, Leukocytes, and Mesenchymal stem cells. Think of these procedures as 3 tiers. Tier 1 is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Tier 2 is Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM), and Tier 3 is PRFM Gel. The growth factors that regenerate skin and hair are released longer locally from PRF Gel than PRP or PRFM of the three tiers. This constantly releases growth factors and interleukins, accelerating tissue healing and regeneration and rejuvenating the face. Since 2011, Dr. Dyson has been at the forefront of injecting tier 2 PRF and advanced to inject tier 3 PRF Gel.

Where is PRFM (Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix) Gel Used?

PRFM restores the facial foundation & infrastructure in the following areas/ways:

  • Tear Troughs – sunken area under eyes and dark circles
  • Rejuvenate Fat Pads of the Face/Cheeks
  • Stimulate Bone formation
  • Smile Lines
  • The lower third of the face/jawline
  • Neck Area
  • Hair Regrowth

How is PRF Gel Prepared?

First, two tubes of a patient’s blood are drawn. One tube is spun longer at a higher speed to obtain the albumin component, which is then heated. This forms a gel. While the heating occurs, the other blood tube is spun at a lower speed to obtain beneficial cells – growth factors and stem cells. The gel is cooled and mixed with the growth factors, forming PRF gel. This enriched concentrate creates a natural and smooth bio-stimulating gel. PRF gel is then injected into the desired areas using a micro-cannula. It is ideal for treating areas where fillers and bio-stimulators cannot be used easily, such as the under-eye area, perioral (around the mouth) area, and the brow region for hair stimulation. In many cases, Dr. Dyson draws more than two tubes of blood from a patient, depending on the area/areas treated.

What is the PRF Gel advantage over PRP and PRFM alone?

The Growth Factors in PRFM Gel are released longer locally after injection. This results in the constant release of Growth factors and interleukins, which accelerate tissue healing and regenerating processes.

How does PRFM Gel reverse aging?

As we age, we lose collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, fat, muscle and bone. We begin to produce less collagen in our twenties. After menopause, lines and wrinkles, dryness, sensitivity, dullness, decreased elasticity, and skin sagging occur. PRFM is injected in two sessions 6 weeks apart. One session is injected to promote the restoration of the fat pads and collagen. During the second session, the injections are done deeper to aid in bone restoration. PRFM Gel is a bio-stimulating gel that revolutionizes facial rejuvenation.

DC’s First Physician to perform the PRF Gel Treatment!

Pioneering, Experienced, Excellent Results

Dr. Dyson’s Experience

Dr. Dyson was the first physician in Washington, D.C., to inject the platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) known as Selphyl in 2011. She has since added EZ PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) and, most recently, EZ PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) Gel. She has been injecting PRF to rejuvenate the skin and for hair restoration since her initial training in 2011.

Dr. Dyson interviews leading plastic surgeon and pioneer of the PRF Gel procedure, Dr. Kian Karimi, MD, FACS


Why does Dr. Dyson get the best PRF Gel results? Dr. Dyson’s years of experience, injection technique and greater amount of PRF gel injected have resulted in greater rejuvenation of the face than other practitioners. PRF Gel gives the face a glow that patients love.

How soon after the first treatment will I see results?

Results generally appear 3 to 6 weeks after the procedure and peak at 9 to 12 weeks.

How many PRFM Gel treatments will I need?

Two treatments – 6 weeks apart. A minimum of two treatments are recommended to obtain desired results.

What is the cost of the procedure?

The cost of the procedure will be discussed during consultation.

How do I know if I am a good candidate for PRF Gel?

Dr. Dyson must consult directly with you to provide tailored recommendations based on your current presentation. Use our Book Now feature to schedule a consultation today!


What is in your blood plasma (Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix)?

GROWTH FACTORS! What are growth factors? See Below:

Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)

It plays a significant role in regulating cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation during the remodeling phase and stimulates keratinocyte and fibroblast production.

Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)

Promotes angiogenesis, the physiological process involving the growth of new blood vessels.

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

An important signaling protein involved in both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis that may help the growth of blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature.

Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)

Promotes angiogenesis, granulation, and epithelialization for the intricate process of Tissue repairing itself after injury.

Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF)

Attract macrophages and fibroblasts to the zone of injury. Promotes collagen growth and proteoglycan synthesis.

Interleukins, Macrophages, Keratinocytes, Endothelial Cells, Lymphocytes, Fibroblasts, Osteoblasts, Basophils, Mast Cells

Activates fibroblast differentiation. Induces collagen and proteoglycan synthesis for healthy cell production and repair of damaged tissues.

Collagen Stimulating Growth Factor

Stimulates granulocyte and macrophage proliferation for healthy tissue and blood cell growth.

Keratinocyte Growth Factor (KGF)

Keratinocyte migration, differentiation, and proliferation may optimize conditions for healing and the generation of new skin.