Body contouring provides tools that patients can use to change the appearance of their physique. At Change for Life Wellness & Aesthetics, Dr. Wanda Dyson offers a wide range of body contouring options to patients from throughout the Washington, D.C. area and beyond.
Book OnlineWhat is TriPollar?
TriPollar is a specific type of radiofrequency technology that is used for the purpose of body contouring. TriPollar creates an RF current that can be carefully directed to a focused treatment area. The end result is a tightening of sagging skin and the reduction of fat in the areas being treated. Results are both immediate and lasting, which makes this approach the preferred treatment method for many patients who are interested in improving their overall appearance.
What are the benefits of TriPollar?
Patients who undergo TriPollar therapy report an improvement in the appearance of cellulite, as well as a noticeable tightening of the skin. Many people also report an improvement in the overall appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. This approach has also helped many women reduce the appearance of stretch marks in various areas of the body. TriPollar has an excellent reputation for safety, is non-invasive, painless and is suitable for all types and colors of skin. It is also a treatment option that requires a minimal investment of time, and no recovery period.
What is the hCG diet?
A great deal of attention has been turned toward a revolutionary diet option that has helped many patients achieve significant and lasting weight loss. The hCG diet is named after the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, which is taken as a supplement in conjunction with a carefully specified diet plan. In combination, this diet and hormone supplementation therapy promise to reset an individual’s metabolism, allowing patients to lose up to a pound each day without experiencing weakness, extreme hunger or fatigue.